Dara & Rashan's

The Palace at Somerset

333 Davison Ave

Somerset NJ, 07083

Dara & Rashan's

Dara & Rashan

8 - 14 - 2022

The Bride

Dara Olds

The Groom

Rashan Thompson

Are Getting Married

August 14, 2022

5:00 pm


Our Story

Rashan saw Dara’s profile on a dating app.  When he saw Dara’s picture, he felt that if she responded to his message, she would be his wife. He sent her a message, but Dara wasn’t active on that app and never responded. Rashan was crushed! Sometime later, Rashan discovered Dara’s profile on a different app and messaged her again. This time, Dara received the message. Dara wanted to meet a guy who genuinely shared her faith in Jesus. Rashan’s profile included several references to his faith. Dara responded to Rashan’s message and they agreed to video chat. They enjoyed their conversation and exchanged numbers.

Rashan invited Dara to Graziella’s Italian restaurant in Brooklyn. They shared tiramisu, a dessert they both love. It was apparent that the way to Dara’s heart was through dessert, so Rashan bought Dara an extra slice of tiramisu to take home with her. Dara appreciated Rashan’s intentionality and thoughtfulness.  On their first date, Rashan recognized Dara’s love for Christ, how incredibility intelligent she is, and that she was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Seeing Dara as a “once in a life time woman”, he knew he wanted to marry her. On their second date, he took Dara to an art exhibit and a French restaurant. Crossing over into presumptuousness, Rashan declared to Dara that he was her husband.

They continued going on dates throughout the summer of 2021. Sharing the same faith helped them to connect with each other in a meaningful way early in their relationship. They both love God and they were both serving in their churches. They know that the Lord has a purpose for them. They look forward to their forthcoming journey together.

The Proposal

Rashan told Dara early on that he wanted to marry her. Dara’s cautious, especially about something as important as marriage. But the more she got to know Rashan, the more she realized how much she loved him and wanted him in her life forever. After one year of courtship, nine weeks of marriage counseling, and the prayers of friends and family, on August 14th, Dara and Rashan plan to start on the path that God set forth for them as a married couple.

On a Saturday near the end of May, Dara made plans to meet up with Mylisa, one of her best friends. It was a summer-like day, and they walked through Brooklyn Bridge Park, talking about life and catching up. Mylisa mentioned that a friend had told her about a place with great Italian food, and she wanted to try it. When Dara and Mylisa arrived, they went to the rooftop. Dara recognized the restaurant as the place where Rashan had taken her on their first date, with great Italian food and amazing Tiramisu. She realized she hadn’t heard from Rashan the whole day. As Dara was thinking about him, Rashan came outside to meet her on the rooftop. Dara was a little confused about why he was there until she saw her Dad, Rashan’s Mom, and other family and friends. Rashan had arranged for their families and some close friends to be at the restaurant. He took her hand and walked her to the spot where they had eaten dinner on their first date. He got down on one knee with a beautiful ring and asked her to marry him. She happily said yes! They enjoyed dinner and Italian dessert with close friends and family. They’re excited to get married and start a new life together.

The Wedding Party



Looking Forward to Seeing You There

8 – 14 – 2022

The Wedding

The Palace at Somerset
333 Davison Ave
Somerset NJ, 07083

5:00 p.m.


6:00 p.m.

Cocktail Hour

7:00 p.m. 


Gift Registry

We are thrilled about our wedding and we hope you can attend. We thank God for blessing us with amazing friends and family and we would love for you to celebrate along with us on August 14.

We appreciate that you desire to be a blessing to us as we start this journey together. We are combining our individual lives into one household. In light of this, we have all we need for our new home together. So instead of a traditional wedding registry, we have decided to establish a honeymoon fund. You can give a general gift toward our trip or give us specific gifts like helping with our airfare, hotel, or excursions.

Thank you! We love and appreciate you!

Dara & Rashan's

The Palace at Somerset

333 Davison Ave

Somerset NJ, 07083